
About Us

We are community in which every ordinary reflexion of self-expression is valued and recognized. By gathering under the principles and values upon which we’ve laid the foundation to the journey we’ve embarked on. 

Taking on the task of making an impact in our surroundings; we’ve designed our garments and created our gadgets by expressing the artistic vision of what we consider this mission to be. As we make the attempt to capture the routine flashes of beauty that are overlooked in normal life & incorporating them with the philosophies in which we base the creative aptitudes of our designs.

Gathering from a broad spectrum of cultures and lives, we’ve managed to fuse polarized experiences; into the distinctive input of care and attention we dedicate to the process on which we develop our apparel. Adhering to the main principles of: Peace, Love, Unity and Respect we navigate the mysteries of this thrill we call life by sticking together with like-minded individuals & by creating under a limitless expectation.